laptop screen with a chart surrounded by Facebook related icons

How To Get Facebook Real Estate Leads

If you are not generating at least ONE monthly closing from Facebook alone, you’re leaving money on the table! Especially since generating Facebook real estate leads is simple and the ROI is powerful. In fact, according to some studies, real estate agents using Facebook ads gain an average of 44 leads per ad!

Unfortunately, some agents use Facebook incorrectly or create spam-like posts that get them nowhere. If you’re not seeing leads coming in from Facebook, you could simply be using the wrong strategy to get leads.

Today, let’s explore every single way to generate real estate clients from Facebook (FREE & Paid Strategies).

How To Use Facebook for Real Estate Leads

Tons of cell phones with Facebook on their screens

1. Use Your Facebook Personal Profile

Yes—if you’re around my age, you probably do have that personal profile that you created back in college. However, simply having a profile does not do much for you. There are certain actions that you can take that will help you attract clients and/or enable you to directly prospect the easy way! Let’s take a look.

Complete Your Profile

The easiest thing you can do to increase your visibility and create huge momentum for gaining more leads is to complete your personal profile.

Don’t be a secret agent! You want people to look at your profile and immediately know that you’re a stellar real estate agent. Use your brand name on your header, use your real estate headshot as your profile picture, and make sure to highlight where you work in the work history section. Highlight your job anywhere you can!

At this point, I’ve done thousands of consults with agents and one of the first things we do is to audit their online presence. This gives us an idea of how agents are perceived online and how that may be affecting their lead-generation business.

So, regardless of whether you want to use Facebook as a lead generation machine (which you should!), be sure to let your Facebook friends know what business you’re in by completing your profile.

You don’t have to keep posting about your business if you don’t want to (again, I wish you would as you’re losing money otherwise), but if you want to keep your Facebook Personal Profile as a place to just post political beliefs or dumb memes, it’s up to you! But do remember you’re not using your profile to its full potential for your business—and that’s on you!

Make Engaging Posts

Alright, now we get to the good stuff! Now, we actually turn Facebook from a time waster into an ATM!

The way my business partner, Joseph Gonzales, and I get many of our Facebook real estate leads is by making Direct Response Social Media posts.

We make posts that are engaging and reach our ideal client in a very discrete way. We want clients to come to us not because we asked, but because we engaged them in a real estate-adjacent conversation that got them thinking. For example, we make posts like:

  • What year did you buy your first house?
  • Who’s your favorite home insurance provider?
  • How many homes have you owned in your lifetime?
A phone surrounded by icons such as thumbs up, a car, people, a camera, an email envelope, and a heart

These types of posts are essentially designed to attract…guess who? That’s right—homeowners! We post these on our personal profiles to engage with friends, family members, and other connections.

Now, once you’ve got some engagement on these posts, the idea is to DM those who are responding. If, for example, someone comments that they have not yet purchased their first home or that they’re looking to buy a second one soon, you can DM them to find out more. But even if they are not forward with their real estate intentions, you still hit them up in the DMs!

If you want the scripts that my team uses to reach out to these potential clients, just ask! Send an email to admin@jaimeresendiz.com with the subject line “DM Scripts” and we can get you those so you can copy, paste, and DM those leads!

Direct Message Friends

Now, head to your personal Facebook profile and message EVERY SINGLE FRIEND that you have on Facebook. Establish a relationship with everyone, even if they’re lenders or other agents (remember…you’re in real estate and referrals can make you VERY wealthy!). You can use one of two strategies when sending these messages. Either:

  1. Ask about their life, what they’ve been up to, how they’re doing, etc., OR
  2. Ask them straight up if they have a REALTOR® they trust.

If they respond that they don’t have a trusted REALTOR®, then be sure to ask if YOU can become that person for them. While it may be uncomfortable at first, keep in mind that asking NOW prevents the discomfort and humiliation of seeing them buy or sell with another agent down the road. We’ve all been there…

2. Use Your Facebook Business Page

Now that you’ve got your personal page running to bring in those Facebook real estate leads, it’s time to turn your focus to your business page. Here are the steps to take.

one hand in a computer monitor shaking a man's hand outside the computer

Complete Business Page

First, it’s crucial that you have a complete profile so you can be found. Fill in your name, your real estate brokerage information, your personal website, your location, your office hours, your phone number and email, etc.

Keeping this page updated will prevent you from looking like you’re out of business. It will also help you rank on search engines—so be sure to include what area(s) of the country you work in so you can start collecting leads from people searching Google or Facebook for local agents.

Collect Reviews

If you’re collecting leads, chances are you’re going to be reaching out to them through text or email, since most people really don’t do well with answering the phone anymore. However, if you reach out first as a name on a message, people are going to immediately Google you, your phone number, or your email!

This is why you need to set up a branded website, a complete Google my Business profile, your professional Facebook page, and profiles on Zillow, your brokerage website, etc. These are the pages that will show up first when people Google you.

On these pages, it’s important to collect as many reviews as possible! Reviews are crucial for providing social proof that will show potential clients how OTHER clients have enjoyed working with you (or not!) and what they can expect if they choose to hire you.

So, every time your work with a client and close a transaction, make sure you ask if your client will leave you a quick review on your Facebook page. You can use these on your website or other areas as well.

Make Engaging Posts

Create engaging posts much like those you use on your personal Facebook profile. Your business page is also a great place to create educational and informational posts since most people will expect you to be sharing relevant information for your specific business.

Keep in mind that posts on your business page won’t get a ton of traffic! It’s important to maintain consistency and spread your reach, but know that few people will actually see your business posts.

Run Facebook Ads (Most Important!)

The main reason you need to set up a Facebook Business page is so that you can start running Facebook Ads. Believe it or not, Facebook Ads still work for generating Facebook real estate leads!

The biggest challenge you’ll run into with ads is NOT getting a lead’s contact information (that’s easy) but actually FOLLOWING UP with those leads to actually convert them into a client. You MUST call, text, email, and repeat until people FINALLY get back to you. While it may take some time, people will receive your messages and, eventually, when they’re READY, they’ll reach out.

Now, here are a few types of ads to try:

  • Just listed – run ads on properties that just hit the market. This gives potential buyers an opportunity to request information on a property that may sell fast.
  • Just sold – run ads on properties that just sold. This gives homeowners an idea of what to expect if they were to sell with your help—create an “offer” that promises them an instant home offer if they click on the ad.
  • New Construction – run ads on brand new homes being built in your area. Most new homes aren’t on the MLS, so running ads is a great way to get attention and offer a sneak peek at something no one else is seeing.

If you want to learn more, here’s a full video tutorial on how to run effective Facebook Ads.

3. Post on Facebook Marketplace

There are three main things you should be posting on Facebook Marketplace to get leads dropping into your DMs. This list is ordered by importance and effect—basically, the first strategy is more important and effective than the second, and the second than the third. So, if your time and energy are pretty limited, you can narrow your focus to one or two of these strategies.

  1. Market Properties – Simply create a listing sharing about a new property for sale, whether that’s a resale, a new construction, etc. You’ll likely get LOTS of leads here, but don’t worry—they may be time-consuming, but many of them will be worth it because they’re people who are already READY to transact!
  2. Market Information – Share information that could be considered a public service announcement—things like special loan products or information to help people in specific situations buy a home (first-time buyers, buyers with low credit scores, etc.).
  3. Market Services – Create a posting sharing the services you provide. This will be a bit harder to get approved by Facebook Marketplace, so don’t worry too much about it, but if you want to take on the challenge this is an option!

4. Leverage Facebook Groups

There’s a Facebook group out there for pretty much ANYTHING you could want to talk about. For real estate purposes, you’ll probably want to create your own group or post in groups that are incredibly relevant to your business.

Create Real Estate Niche Groups

This may be the easiest and quickest method of getting leads. Create a group set around a specific niche of real estate, whether that be helping first-time home buyers, real estate investors, or anyone else you want to work with.

Once you have the group set up, share relevant, helpful information on a regular basis to attract people in and keep them visiting the group for more information. This strategy will take time, but it will eventually allow you to generate leads all around the world whom you can either help or refer to another agent to keep your income stream growing.

Create Interest Based Groups

What are you interested in besides real estate? This is your opportunity to create a group and essentially “throw a party” for others who are interested in the same things as you. Whether you love golf, cycling, wine, restaurants, etc., you can create a group centered on this topic and build a community within it.

These groups are fantastic because they’re a mix of both play and work. While most of your time will likely be dedicated to simply enjoying this group and your favorite activity, you will still be sharing the fact that you’re a real estate agent as people get to know you. Eventually, they will need help buying or selling and you may just be at the top of their list!

Post in Other People’s Groups

Whatever group you want to target likely has a presence on Facebook where you can engage and provide valuable information that attracts those already there. You could get hundreds of comments on every single post!

You want to start by joining these groups and engaging with other people’s posts. Then, eventually, you post some information and resources to people may find helpful.

Providing value in these groups will look different depending on your audience, but here are a few ideas:

  • Offer a template of how you contest property taxes for homeowners.
  • Offer a buyer checklist to help buyers avoid overpaying.
  • Offer a seller checklist to help sellers prepare to list their homes.
  • Etc.

You can also pay for the opportunity to post in groups and be a bit more “salesy.” However, this option isn’t always as effective, especially if you’re in a large group with a lot of posts of that sort.

5. Create Facebook Reels

a roll of film reel

Facebook Reels are the new, up-and-coming thing. They are being heavily promoted by Facebook right now on both Facebook and Instagram, so you should absolutely use them to your full advantage.

All you have to do is film a short video (in vertical) that’s one of two things:

  1. Entertaining
  2. Educational

Whichever you choose just needs to provide some real value and Facebook Reels WILL promote you—so take advantage of the hype!

Well, there you have it! ALL five ways you can market on Facebook to get those Facebook real estate leads pouring in. Which method will you start with?

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