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Simple Hack to Get 5 Real Estate Clients

As a real estate agent, you know how difficult it can be to find new leads. With so much competition, it can feel like you’re constantly fighting for the attention of potential clients. However, what if we told you that there’s a simple hack that can help you get five or more clients in as little as 10 minutes? It’s true – and anyone can do it, no matter how long you’ve been in real estate or how many clients you’ve served in the past. In this blog post, we’ll explain this hack step by step, so you can start generating free real estate leads in minutes.

Step One: Peruse Your Contacts

The first step is to go through your contact list. You can start with Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or your phone contacts – anywhere that you have a lot of connections. The more contacts you have, the better.

peruse your contacts

Step Two: Message Your Contacts

Once you have your list, start going through it from the top to the bottom, sending a simple message to each person. The message should read something like this:

“Hey [name], I know this is super random, but do you have a REALTOR® that you trust?”

message your contacts

It may feel direct, but that’s the point. You won’t get anywhere if you’re vague and indirect – and that’s especially true in marketing. Don’t overthink it – just send the message to everyone on your list. Try to send at least 25 messages.

Step Three: Respond to Your Contacts

If someone responds to your message with a “yes,” great! Ask them what they love most about their current REALTOR®. This will give you more information about what people look for in an agent. If they respond with a “no,” it’s time to offer your services. Ask if you can be their go-to REALTOR® for all their real estate questions. Offer to provide them with relevant and accurate real estate information. Most people will say yes, even if they don’t actually use your services right away.

respond to your contacts

Step Four: Connect with Your Contacts

Once someone has given you permission to be their go-to REALTOR®, ask for their contact information. You can say something like:

“Awesome! What is your preferred email and phone number?”

connect with your contacts

Most people will give you this information readily. This is also a chance to connect with them on a more personal level. You can offer to answer any questions they have or even drop by their home if they need anything.

Step Five: Follow Up with Your Contacts

This step is crucial – you must follow up! Send a high-quality email every month with relevant information about the market, home tips, or something of a similar nature that you’re an expert in. Additionally, try to send a smaller, more personal message each month, such as a DM, text, or direct mail piece. This personal touch will show your clients that you care about them and are there to serve them.

follow up with your contacts

By following these simple steps, you can generate multiple new leads in just a few minutes. Don’t be afraid to be direct and go to people where they’re at instead of waiting for them to come to you. It may be uncomfortable, but talking to people directly and boldly is the best way to gain their trust for any real estate transaction.

In conclusion, if you need more clients and don’t know how to get them, this is the perfect place to start. This simple hack has helped many agents land fantastic leads and completely transform their real estate businesses. Now that you know how to move forward, give it a try! Go out there and start generating more real estate clients in minutes. You won’t regret it!

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