9 videos agents must make on a computer screen surrounded by money

Top 9 Real Estate YouTube Videos

If you’re a real estate agent with a YouTube channel, you MUST have these videos on your channel! These must-have videos for your real estate YouTube channel are called “workflow videos,” and I can promise you that these will help you:

  • Buy back your time
  • Give your clients a VIP 5-star service
  • Get more leads!

Today, we’re going to dig into what the best real estate YouTube videos are, what you need to include in each video, and how to determine which videos to make next. And don’t worry—these are videos every agent can make regardless of how much YouTube content you’ve created in the past. This shouldn’t be intimidating!

The Real Estate YouTube Videos You Need

First, let’s consider the concept of “workflow videos.” These are basically just the videos you use when you go through the “workflow” with your buyers and sellers. They offer education that helps your clients know what to expect and how to complete the steps necessary for them during a real estate transaction.

We’re going to look at the nine workflow videos that you should absolutely have on your YouTube channel no matter how many videos or clients you have!

9 real estate YouTube videos to make with titles and images

1. “What Do Real Estate Agents Actually Do?”

A lot of people are incredibly curious about what real estate agents actually do. Why are real estate agents necessary? Why should someone work with them? What do they really do?

A lot of people may suspect that agents are just out to take their money, so your job in this video is to show that you actually have a very good reason to be a part of their transaction and help them buy or sell their home.

2. “How To Buy a House in [Your City]”

Explain the home buying process from beginning to end, covering aspects like mortgage pre-approval, home inspection, negotiations, and closing. This video should be the most comprehensive explanation possible.

When people finish your video, you want them to know EXACTLY what to expect when buying a home in your city. You want them to feel totally prepared and know that they’re ready to move forward.

3. “How To Sell a House in [Your City]”

Detail the home selling process, discussing aspects like staging, pricing, listing, open houses, negotiations, and closing. This video should, again, be as comprehensive as possible!

By the time viewers have watched through this video, they should be thinking seriously about reaching out to you for help selling their house because YOU have made it sound so simple and easy!

4. “Mistakes To Avoid When Buying a Home”

As an experienced agent, you’re well aware that people make mistakes when they’re buying a home. Whether that’s failing to get pre-approved or setting their budget higher than they can actually afford, you’ve probably seen people make mistakes plenty of times.

In this video, go over these common mistakes in detail. Don’t make anyone feel bad, but be sure that they understand what these mistakes mean to them and what they can do better.

5. “Mistakes To Avoid When Selling Your Home”

Just as with buyers, there are plenty of mistakes sellers might make when trying to sell their home. They might try to sell without an agent or price their home higher than it should be, for example. In these situations, you as a real estate agent will need to help them make the wiser choice.

Use this video to kindly explain why these are mistakes and what they may mean for potential sellers. Show how you can help sellers avoid these mistakes to create a better sale experience!

6. “10 Days To Closing – Home Buyers Are You Ready?”

Prepare your buyers for what to expect in the last 10 days leading up to closing, discussing topics like final walk-throughs, closing costs, and moving preparations.

Try to cover everything you can here to make sure buyers know just what to expect. Offer any tips you have to help them get ready for some of the more challenging tasks, such as planning the day of the move or accounting for unexpected expenses.

7. “10 Days To Closing – Home Sellers Are You Ready?”

Walk your sellers through what they need to do in the last 10 days before closing, including repairs, cleaning, moving out, and more.

Make sure your sellers are well aware of what is expected of them and have the information and education they need to make this sale go as smoothly as possible.

8. “You just bought your home – Now What?”

Inform new homeowners about the next steps after closing. This might include covering topics such as setting up utilities, performing routine home maintenance, and filing any important paperwork.

Think long-term with this advice—it shouldn’t cover ONLY the first month of homeownership but should also prepare them to spend years owning and caring for their new house.

9. “You Just Sold Your Home – Now What?”

Guide your sellers on what they need to do after their home is sold. This will include tasks such as finalizing the move, filing tax documents, and making future housing plans.

Be sure that your sellers know how to move on to another home as efficiently as possible. Also, don’t hesitate to remind them that you’ll be there for any questions, both now and in the future as they move toward buying or selling once again when they’re ready.

Setting Up a Real Estate YouTube Videos Playlist

Creating these workflow videos allows you to engage with your audience at multiple touchpoints throughout their home buying or selling journey. Now, please make sure to keep these videos as informative as possible. Put your best stuff out there so future home buyers or sellers know the level of professionalism and expertise you provide long before they ever call.

Create a playlist on your YouTube channel with each of these videos and create engaging titles and descriptions. You’ll also want to keep these handy—workflow videos are great to send to current clients throughout the real estate process to help them prepare for each step as it comes up.

If you create and distribute these real estate YouTube videos appropriately, expect to generate more leads AND provide your clients with the excellent experience they’re looking for. You’ll soon have your channel truly shining!

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